
Jousting Armor

Hear a jousting expert and fashion historian discuss a class medieval sport and the intricate clothing for both horse and rider.


Taxco, Mexico

Artist, Shelia Hicks, discusses her time in Mexico and the influence the local weavers had on her process.


Amiri Baraka

Artist Daryl Cowherd discusses this iconic photo of the poet and activist, Amiri Baraka.


Bottle Rack

Listen to curator, Caitlin Haskell, discusses this cheeky Readymade and hear archival tape from the artist, Marcel Duchamp.


Diviner Tray

Scholar, Chris Abani, curator, Costa Petridis, and shaman, Kolowole Oshitola, discusses the divinity and design of this religious and spiritual tool.


Warhol Tour Introduction

Hear an overview of how Andy Warhol became New York’s most sought after portrait painter